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Quote Ref: UKIN01

Year: 2014

Landlord Insurance

Landlord Insurance – What Is and Is Not Obligatory

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

What follows in this article should not be interpreted as qualified legal advice. In order to obtain that, it may be necessary to speak to your local authorities or perhaps…

15 July 2014
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Banned logo

MP’s Say Rogue Landlords Should Face Nationwide Ban

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

A cross-party groups report by MP’s says rogue landlords should face nationwide ban. They say banning orders should be introduced for bad landlords, along with the implementation of a national…

04 July 2014
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Man speaking to a woman about buy to let lending

Buy-To-Let Lending Value Increased By 57% In April 2014

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

New data released by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) on the profile of mortgage lending in the UK during April 2014, including buy-to-let, first-time buyer, home mover, and remortgages…

02 July 2014
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understand rental yield and growth

Understand Rental Yield and Growth

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

If you are buying to let, you are conducting the type of business where it is important to understand the sources of income and the appreciation of your assets. For…

24 June 2014
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Choosing an appropriate landlord insurance policy

Choosing an appropriate landlord insurance policy

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

Are you looking for landlords’ cover? Here at UKinsuranceNET we believe in offering you the most appropriate cover for your own individual circumstances. We understand that there are many different…

20 June 2014
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Cannabis farms and your property

Cannabis farms and your property

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

It may be the very last thing you might have imagined when you first let your property to that seemingly charming and well-spoken couple. But rented property is just the…

20 June 2014
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generation rent

Generation Rent?

By UKinsuranceNET in Insurance Advice

It’s not really a secret but in recent years more and more people, especially young people, have really struggled to get a foot on the property ladder. A recent report…

13 June 2014
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Top tips for new landlords

Top tips for new landlords

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

Becoming a landlord may be the first step along the road to a successful and profit-making business – it might also prove the first step towards financial disaster. Although the…

09 June 2014
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What grants are available to landlords?

What grants are available to landlords?

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

In their different ways, national government, local government, landlords and aspiring landlords all share an interest in improving the quality and volume of the nation’s housing stock. Although grants for…

21 May 2014
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Labour Announce Plans To Cap Rent Increases

Labour Announce Plans To Cap Rent Increases

By UKinsuranceNET in Insurance Advice

Labour leader Ed Miliband recently announced proposals that would stop families that rent their home being “ripped off” by landlords and letting agents and that Labour would help them plan…

09 May 2014
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aftermath of the floods

The Aftermath Of The Floods

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

While it appears the devastating floods rampaging throughout Britain – for the time being at least – are over, staggering figures from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) reveal that in the…

24 April 2014
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Man arms tied up in tape

Landlord Handed £12,000 Fine Over Lack Of Licence

By UKinsuranceNET in Landlord Advice

A landlord living in London has been fined as he was renting out a property in Thanet in Essex without a selective licence. Thanet District Council designated certain parts of…

16 April 2014
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